New features in version 2…
- Open Image Folder – Import a folder of PNG images. Sequence images load best when numbered. If your last image has double digits (“MyImage25.png”) then the first image should have double digits (“MyImage01.png”), else the images will not load in order or load alphabetically.
- Import Image – Add a single image to your already loaded images. This image will be put at the end of the list. So just make sure you load them all the first time.
- Delete Image – Deletes an image. Image id’s will be automatically recalculated and put back in numerical order.
- Drag Image – Move images around with the mouse to reposition them.
- Rotate Image – Right click on an image to rotate it to 270 degrees.
- Reset Columns – Set column/sheet width by selecting an image and using “command + R” keys. If you want to add another column after using “command + R”, just move the top-right image to the right a bit and use “command + R” again.
- Snap to Grid – Snaps images to the grid to easily align the images. It snaps to every 8th pixel.
- Clip Alpha Image – Clip 32bit PNG images by using the “-” and “=” (+) keys so you can overlap the images. This evenly clips the width (or height if rotated) of all the images, so it doesn’t interfere with the animation sequence. You can use the “command + R” keys to collapse the images to their new clip size.
- Canvas Size – If your need more space to create your sprite sheet, just increase the canvas size.
- Displays image name and coordinates of the selected image.
- Multi-grid coloring set by 8, 32 and 128 pixels for easy image layout.
- Script Editor – To easily create custom sprite coordinate scripts.