Macrotune is a MML (Music Macro Language) editor. If you like creating “retro” style computer/game music, then this is the app for you.
- Four MML editors with syntax coloring.
- Each channel has its own start/default options. These settings can be altered throughout your tune with the Music Macro Language.
- A time signature gadget that allows you to visually see the current beats per measure in the editors while you type.
- A pattern editor to piece together your verses for each channel. Each verse is written on its own line in the editors.
- Copy your MML data to the clipboard for use in PureBasic with the PSG Module.
- Export as a Wave (*.wav) file.
- Four demo tunes to help you understand how the app works.
- A project info box for the author’s name, song title, copyright or even notes for yourself.
- Includes a help file and the PSG Module code.